“Including LGBTQ Working People in Our Workplaces and Unions” – Jerame Davis, Executive Director – Pride At Work
“Mediation Matters: Let’s Play Ball” Information and tips on the mediation process at the EEOC and general best practices for helping labor and management in mediation of EEO workplace disputes. – Jennifer Ortiz – EEOC
”NARRATIVE NEGOTIATIONS: What’s Your Story and Why Are You Sticking To It?” Exposes the patterns of labor and management as they constantly negotiate with each other their respective narratives in real-time communications that result in achieving the very relationship returns they invested in.- David Renfro – FMCS (retired)
“From the Shop Floor to the Top Floor” Plenary Panel on advancing women’s leadership in Labor and Management.
”Utilizing Interest Based Bargaining for Contract Negotiations – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly…..A Discussion with West Gulf Maritime and the International Longshoremen’s Association” – Walter Darr FMCS
“Red Light / Green Light” – A lively discussion with a panel of arbitrators on real cases and the arbitration process.