Presenter Proposals

A friendly reminder to mark your calendars and submit your proposals for the 2024 Texas Labor Management Conference.  The conference will be held The Hyatt Regency on the beautiful San Antonio Riverwalk.  Add it to your calendar now!

Our theme this year is “Raising The Bar!and we are looking for proposals that are informative, helpful, and engaging.   Use your imagination and send us your success stories, your new ideas and tools, and any other topic that would be engaging, fun, and fit under the topic. Each year, the conference is enriched by a wide array of presentations — from the practical to the quirky.  Do consider submitting a proposal – or ask someone whom you think would enrich our program to propose a session for this year’s conference.  To download the presenter’s proposal form, here. The deadline is May 31, 2024.

BECOME A SPONSOR:  Whether or not you choose to submit a proposal, we encourage you to consider becoming a conference sponsor. The benefits of sponsorship are on our website.  Please address any questions to [email protected].

Thank you!