Meet Our 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees



F. David Alexander served as an academic neutral member on the Board of Directors of TXLMC. He is a retired professor from Angelo State University, holding a Ph. D. in Management and Industrial Relations. His academic teaching fields included management, labor relations, and human resources. His on-the-job real world education in TXLMC matters came from his work in the airline industry as a management advocate working with IAM, as well as his work in state higher education as a faculty advocate and subsequently a dean. His skills in fact-finding were enhanced by his work at the national and state level as an examiner/judge/trainer in the Baldrige Award Program in Performance Excellence. He serves on the FMCS and NMB arbitrator rosters. He has been an active Board Member with TXLMC, especially in developing, organizing, and presenting workshops. He started the first TXLMC workshop focusing on excellence in safety, having regular management and labor TXLMC participants from PPG show how they were collaborating to achieve a prestigious OSHA excellence award. David, along with Judy Cortez, started in 2022 the workshop panel that addresses best practices in collective bargaining for federal, state, and city public sectors. David is a strong advocate for the mission of TXLMC that promotes collaborative efforts for the good of all.


As a labor and legislative leader, Tom has always understood that in order for workers to be successful and treated fairly, companies have to be successful. Through his years of labor and legislative advocacy and as a Member of the TXLMC, he has worked with both labor and management to be an effective steward for our Members. With “his Bride” Peggy by his side, Tom has also been a community leader active in supporting community youth baseball, Habitat for Humanity, and food drives for striking workers. Tom also helped find housing for displaced Members after Hurricane Katrina, and traveled to New Orleans and Baton Rouge to assist there.

In addition to spending 10 years on the Local 513 Executive Board as the legislative and community affair director, he was also the leader of the Local 513 Legislative Committee where he trained hundreds of Members to advocate for workers’ rights and protections in the nationals and state capitols as well as helping to elect labor friendly candidates. Tom also served 5 years as an International Representative for the TWU International.

In addition to serving on the TXLMC Board of Directors, Tom has been instrumental in passing numerous bills to protect workers and airlines including leading a drive leading the charge many years ago to build an additional runway at DFW in spite of strong opposition from some surrounding cities. That action alone has assisted American Airlines and its workers to prosper as well as being a growth engine for North Texas.


Bill Williams is the Secretary Treasurer of the South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), the largest labor union of maritime workers in North America. The ILA is dedicated to ensuring fair labor practices and protecting the rights and jobs of its members.

With over 47 years of experience, Bill has been a committed member of the ILA since 1975. Starting his career while attending South Houston High School, he began working on the docks, shoveling ore and handling cargo with Local 1273. In 1977, he joined the Steamship Clerks and Checkers Local 1351. His career includes significant tenures with Young & Co. (1979-1984), Strachan Shipping (1985-1990), and Sealand (1991-2000). From 2000 to 2015, Bill served as the Chief Clerk-in-Charge at APM Terminal Maersk.

Bill’s dedication, expertise, and leadership culminated in his appointment as District Representative of the South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District of the ILA in 2015. He was elected Secretary Treasurer of the district in 2017 and re-elected in 2022. Additionally, he was elected International Vice-President in 2019 and re-elected in 2023. In recognition of his contributions, Bill received the “Labor Leader” Award from the ILA Civil, Human, and Women’s Rights Committee in 2022. He also serves as a board member for the ILA 1351 Credit Union and CP Tech, the company that trains longshoremen.

Family, the ILA, and sports define Bill’s life. Outside of his professional responsibilities, his passion for football and baseball has translated into coaching youth sports for 40 years. Many of his players have progressed to professional careers in the NFL and MLB. Bill is proud of his three sons who played college sports and followed in his footsteps, working for the ILA with Local 1351 and Local 1438. Bill has five children, nine grandchildren, and resides with his wife, Robyn, in Deer Park, Texas.