Dear Registrants and Supporters of TXLMC,
We are most appreciative and sincerely grateful for your loyalty and continued involvement as part of the TXLMC family. Without you, TXLMC would not have been as successful as it is to date.
With this said, TXLMC’s upmost concern is that of health and safety of all participants, volunteers and the community at large.
It is with regret and out of great concern for a safe and well-being environment for all participants, the decision was made to cancel this year’s 2020 TXLMC conference.
The TXLMC board underwent enormous steps and multiple considerations to stay the course on building and implementing a stellar 2020 conference for you. However, due the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of related government actions to contain the spread of the virus by imposing restrictions on travel and meetings, this decision was made.
We, as TXLMC family, are resilient and we will embrace this “new normal” towards positive change and progress. TXLMC appreciates your profound support and loyalty. We want to count on you for the 2021 conference and future conferences to come.
For those registrants and sponsors who have submitted conference payments, please contact Steve Sanders, regarding a refund or utilizing your payment toward the 2021 conference.
If you have questions or concern please address them to: [email protected]
Texas Labor Management Conference Board