TO: Friends of the Texas Labor-Management Conference
Subject: Request for Financial Sponsorship for 2024 TXLM Conference
Hello Friends! As we approach our 2024 season, we would like to extend an invitation for you to become a sponsor of the 2024 Texas Labor-Management Conference. Agencies/Organizations wanting to extend their corporate brand and make a strong visible presence at the conference have the opportunity to select from our levels of sponsorship. The benefits are many; acknowledgement as a leader in the field of effective labor and management relationships on both our website and in our program, visual ads that put your organization in front of all our attendees, and, at our legacy tier, an upgrade to an atrium suite for the two nights of the conference.
While sponsoring at any level will be a tremendous help to make this year’s conference another great event, we are asking for consideration by sponsoring at the “Raising The Bar” level. Our goal is to deliver a high valued training and networking session at the least possible cost for organizations and individual attendees. You will find a description below of all sponsorship opportunities. We, of course, welcome your support at whatever level is comfortable for you.
Early Bird Registration is now open! $275 if payment is received by May 31, 2024, $325.00 if payment is received after May 31, 2024, and $350 at the door.
The TXLMC is a 501(c)6 tax exempt organization. W-9 Forms can be provided for corporate sponsors.
Please complete the attached Sponsorship Form and submit it to the undersigned. You may also complete the Sponsorship form online form at https://txlmc.org/sponsorship. If you have any questions regarding being a sponsor at this year’s event, please email [email protected] or contact a board member listed below!
Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Thank you in advance your consideration!
T. Corey Robicheaux – Labor Chair Jennifer Traylor – Management Co-Chair
832-396-6215 972-273-0191
[email protected] [email protected]